경희대 근처 분위기가 최고인 맛집, 봄 정원에서 점심을 먹고 왔습니다. 봄 정원 이름도 예쁘지만 내부도 너무 예뻐요. 봄정원은 5곳이고 성수점, 왕십리점, 가로수길점, 성신여대점, 회기점 앞에 회기점에 다녀왔습니다. 봄정원 회기점 주소 : 서울 동대문구 경희대35로1길 전화: 0507-1363–7382 영업시간: 11:30~21:30 (브레이크타임 15:00~17:00 평일에만 주말 노브레이크) 경희대 근처 분위기가 최고인 맛집, 봄 정원에서 점심을 먹고 왔습니다. 봄 정원 이름도 예쁘지만 내부도 너무 예뻐요. 봄정원은 5곳이고 성수점, 왕십리점, 가로수길점, 성신여대점, 회기점 앞에 회기점에 다녀왔습니다. 봄정원 회기점 주소 : 서울 동대문구 경희대35로1길 전화: 0507-1363–7382 영업시간: 11:30~21:30 (브레이크타임 15:00~17:00 평일에만 주말 노브레이크)

입구부터 예쁜 봄의 정원, 회기점 입구부터 예쁜 봄의 정원, 회기점
봄정원 회기점 1층 봄정원 성수점은 너무 예뻐요. 회기점은 아무래도 성수점보다 귀여워요. 그래도 회기 중 경희대 앞에서는 봄 정원이 분위기 좋은 집^^ 봄정원 회기점 1층 봄정원 성수점은 너무 예뻐요. 회기점은 아무래도 성수점보다 귀여워요. 그래도 회기 중 경희대 앞에서는 봄 정원이 분위기 좋은 집^^
예약하고 갔어요. 지금은 학생들이 방학중이라 사람이 별로 없지만 개강하면 사람이 많아요~너무 예쁜 2층 봄정원 네이버 예약하고 가면 와인 한병 콜키지프리 예약하고 갔어요. 지금은 학생들이 방학중이라 사람이 별로 없지만 개강하면 사람이 많아요~ 아주예쁜 2층 봄정원 네이버예약하고 가면 와인1병 콜키지 프리
메뉴는 인스타 감성이고 다른 파티원이 찍어줬어요. (웃음) 메뉴는 인스타 감성이고 다른 파티원이 찍어줬어요. ㅋ
저는 봄의 정원, 갓김치볶음밥(14,000원), 바지락, 봉골레, 파스타(15,000원), 치킨, 찹스테이크(18,000원), 본메로우, 라구 파스타(19,000원)를 먹어봤어요. 저는 봄의 정원, 갓김치볶음밥(14,000원), 바지락, 봉골레, 파스타(15,000원), 치킨, 찹스테이크(18,000원), 본메로우, 라구 파스타(19,000원)를 먹어봤어요.
색감이 선명한 핫핑크 금피클 색감이 선명한 핫핑크 금피클
주문한 음식 나왔습니다. 플레이팅이 너무 예뻐요. 주문한 음식 나왔습니다. 플레이팅이 너무 예뻐요.
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It’s good to eat mustard kimchi fried rice as it is, but it’s better if you eat it with cream sauce. I was wondering why, but there was a reason for everything. It’s a refreshing spring garden that removes greasyness, and it’s good to eat kimchi fried rice with mustard kimchi fried rice, but it’s even better if you eat it with cream sauce. I was wondering why, but there was a reason for everything. Gakkimchi fried rice, a refreshing spring garden that removes greasyness
Variety of Gorre Pasta Variety of Gorre Pasta Variety of Gorre Pasta of Karamushi
It was salty and delicious with a lot of clams in it. The other menu was simple, but the Bongole pasta with clams tasted the lightest. It was salty and delicious with a lot of clams in it. The other menu was simple, but the Bongole pasta with clams tasted the lightest.
Chicken chop steak pancake. This menu was the best among you ordered. Chicken chop steak pancake. This menu was the best among you ordered.
“I fried chicken thigh meat and vegetables in a special sauce, and when I went on a trip to Southeast Asia, it felt like a satin, and it tasted like barbecue, and it was a sweet and delicious chicken dish that reminded me of rice.” “I fried chicken thigh meat and vegetables in a special sauce, and when I went on a trip to Southeast Asia, it felt like a satin, and it tasted like barbecue, and it was a sweet and delicious chicken dish that reminded me of rice.”
It’s an overwhelming visual experience. Bournemelow is a bone marrow. It was the first time I saw a food that uses bone marrow when I heard it for the first time. It’s a kind of meat sauce called fufu-tirori or cultural shock. The taste of the sauce is just bolognese pasta meat sauce pasta, and the taste of bonmelow lagu pasta is overwhelming. Bournemelow is a bone marrow. It was the first time I saw a food that uses bone marrow when I heard it for the first time. It’s a kind of meat sauce called fufu-tirori or cultural shock. The sauce tastes just like bolognese pasta with meat sauce pasta
This gives me something like a spoon to scratch the bone marrow of a bonmelo, so I scratch it and eat it. It’s not a special taste, it’s a taste of beef bone. This gives me something like a spoon to scratch the bone marrow of a bonmelo, so I scratch it and eat it. It’s not a special taste, it’s a taste of beef bone.
I’m a person who can’t digest flat surfaces in any way, so I only tasted them. The spring garden Kyung Hee University is definitely the best restaurant with a good atmosphere. There are so many places that taste like this… ^^ It’s very nice when you want to create an atmosphere in a beautiful place. 50m NAVER Corp. See more / OpenStreetMap data x NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap Map Controller Legendary Real Estate Street In the countries of eup, myeon, dong, city, county, district, city, and province, I am a person who can’t digest flat surfaces in any way so I only tasted them. The spring garden Kyung Hee University is definitely the best restaurant with a good atmosphere. There are so many places that taste like this… ^^ It’s very nice when you want to create an atmosphere in a beautiful place. 50m NAVER Corp. See more / OpenStreetMap data x NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap Map Controller Legendary Real Estate Street Town, Myeon, Dong, City, County, Ward, City, Road Country
Spring Garden Fegi Shop 35 Gyeonghui-daero 1-gil, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Spring Garden Fegi Branch Reserved Spring Garden Fegi 35 Gyeonghui-daero 1-gil, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Spring Garden Hwaegi Restaurant Reservation